Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tom @The Landwave

TomFerrante_Landwave_Backside from Bike Skate Chocolate Cake on Vimeo.


  1. where be this wave ting?

  2. South End. Let's skate Wednesday night, won't be that cold.

  3. incredibly thoughtless and destructive of a public work of art

  4. Do anonymouses get notification when they get replied to? Who does this person think they are to claim they know how much thought Tom put into that; exactly how is that "destructive;" what exactly is a "public work of art;" and what makes a public work of art so hallowed? I think Tom probably appreciated the work of art more than 99.9% of the population, did essentially no damage to the thing, and that he certainly interacted with it to a degree pretty much no one else will. That he actually brought it to life and gave it a purpose (beyond a purely aesthetic, stagnant one).
