Sunday, November 14, 2010

Carlson Fields Skatepark, Hingham, MA

On 8/12/10, the Hingham, MA Department of Public Works (DPW) had a meeting to discuss the conceptual design of the skatepark (size, features) and to get community input before the final iteration. Prior to this meeting, a small working group which consisted of skaters, the chairman Bob Garrity and Roger Fernandes got together with the landscape designer, Mike Macintyre, of advanced skate development. ASD ( was selected to design the park. The street area should be done by Thanksgiving and then construction of the bowl begins.

If you have the desire to inquire about this new skatepark, contact the DPW at 781-741-1430.


  1. my cousins live in hingham. this looks amazing. too bad they don't skate. let's take a trip to this in the spring. what an incredible place.

    im going to look into getting something like this started in my town if i stick around.


    im thinking about calling the DPW and getting in touch with some of the people on the committee. i could see this working if you could get a few towns in on it. like a triboro (westboro, northboro, southboro) thing.

  3. Thanks for the link! A Tri-boro skate park sounds promising.

  4. check out the pics at the bottom of the forum:

    it is actually further along the build process than the last pic of your post shows! good to know.

  5. that was me before. logged in on work account. lets blade this as soon as we can, haha. looks sick, right?

  6. heck yeah, right next to the West Hingham Commuter Rail stop!

  7. yea, going to get lots of people going to that park.

  8. WOW, what a sick place when it gets completed! I'm sure that there will be a lot of people coming and have a go there. Being a skater in Bartlett, I am so excited to skate there someday, even though I might bail a trick and have another trip to the dentist again (the concrete has a penchant for my mouth).

    Since childhood, it has been a dream of mine to try out various skateparks around the country, due to me seeing a lot of good parks when I'm always stuck at unusual places. But as time goes by, I get to roll around the parks near the dentist in Bartlett, TN that I always wheeled off to.
